Sunday, May 7, 2017

34 Week of School

This week will be our last week for homework.  Please continue sending folders each day, to make sure that you receive important notes that will be sent home.  Also, please make sure that your child is getting plenty of sleep each night.  We know that warmer weather and busier schedules make it harder but we want to finish the year strong, with well rested students!

We will be practicing the sound of Long U this week.  Our new sight words will be then, she, and be. In math we will be working on teen numbers.

34 Semana Escolar

Esta semana va ser la ultima semana de tarea. Por favor de continuar mandando las carpetas cada dia para recibir notas importantes que vamos a mandar a casa. Tambien asegurese de que su hijo/hija duerma suficiente cada noche, sabemos que con el clima bonito vienen muchas actividades pero queremos terminar el ano con estudiantes descansados!

Vamos a practicar el sonido de la U larga esta semana. Nuestras palabras mas freceuntes son then, she, y be. En matematicas vamos a practicar los numeros de 11-20.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

32nd Week of School

This week we will continue to review the sounds of Long A and I.  We will also be learning the sound of the Long O.  Our new sight words will be out and do.  In math we will begin counting in groups of ten up to one hundred. Our music program will be on Thursday April 27th at 6:30 p.m. remember to be in your teachers class by 6:15 p.m.

32 Semana Escolar

Esta semana continuaremos aprendiendo los sonidos de la A y la I larga. Tambien vamos a aprender el sonido de la O larga. Nuestras palabras mas frecuentes son out y do. En matematicas vamos a aprender a contar de el 10 al 100. Nuestro programa musical sera el jueves 27 de Abril a las 6;30 p.m. por favor de estar en el salon de tu maestra a las 6:15 p.m.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

29th Week of School

Please join us Monday night at the Family Plug & Play from 6:00-7:30 at the school.  This will be a fun opportunity for your child to teach you how they learn with technology.

This week we will be reviewing the letters we have learned in this unit and introducing the sound of the long vowel A.  Our new sight words are that and down.  In math we will be working on addition and subtraction story problems.

29 Semana Escolar

Por favor de acompanarnosel Lunes en la noche para la actividad de familia de tecnologia. Esta sera una oportunidad de que su hijo/hija le ensene lo que ha aprendido.

Esta semana estaremos repasando el sonido de la letra A. Nuestra palabras mas freceuntes that y down. En matematicas vamos a trabajar en sumar numeros .

Sunday, March 26, 2017

28th Week of School

Welcome back!  We hope that everyone had a wonderful, restful spring break!  We look forward to getting back into the school routine.

This week we will be learning the sound for the letters Q, Y, and V.  Our new sight words are said and more.  In math we will be solving addition and subtraction story problems with the numbers 9 and 10.

28 Semana Escolar

Bienvenidos a la escuela! Esperamos que hayan tenido una muy buenas vacaciones de Primavera! Esperamos regresar a la rutina de venir a la escuela.

Esta semana vamos a aprender las letras Q, Y, V. Las palabra mas frecuentes seran said y more. En matematicas vamos a resolver problemas de sumar y restar hasta 10.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

26th Week of School

It's carnival week and there are lots of fun things happening!  Please continue to sell those raffle tickets all this week!  Dress up days are:
Monday- Sports Day
Tuesday- Mismatch Day
Wednesday-Rock vs. Country Day
Thursday- Crazy Hair Day
Friday-Favorite Movie Star Day
The carnival will be Friday night from 5-8 pm.  Thank you for supporting this fun event!

This week we will be reviewing the letter sounds learned in this unit and learning the sound of the letter W.  Our new sight words will be her and what.  In math we will be working on decomposing, or subtraction, story problems.

26 Semana Escolar
Es Semana de Carnaval. Hay muchas cosas divertidas pasando en la Escuela! Por favor de seguir vendiendo boletos para la rifa toda la semana! Estas son las actividades:
Lunes: Dia de deporte
Martes: Dia de no combinar
Miercoles: Roqueros contra vaqueros
Jueves: Dia de pelo loco
Viernes: Dia de estralla de pelicula
El carnaval sera el Viernes de 5-8 p.m. Gracias por su apoyo para este evento divertido!

Esta semana estaremos aprendiendo la letra W. Nuestras palabars mas frecuentes son her y what. En matematicas vamos a estar aprendiendo a restar y problemas de matematicas.

Monday, February 27, 2017

25th Week of School

Report cards will be going home this Thursday, March 2nd.  Mark Friday, March 10th on your calendars for the Paul School Carnival!  This fun, family night is our school's biggest fundraiser. Please watch for raffle ticket packets to come home this week.  Thank you for supporting our school!

This week we will be learning and reviewing the sounds of the letters X and Z.  Our new sight words will be look and with.  In math we will continue to compose and decompose numbers up to eight using story problems.

25 Semana Escolar 
Los reportes de las calificacion iran a casa esta semana, el dia jueves 2 de Marzo. Marque su calendario para el dia viernes 10 de Marzo. Sera el carnaval escolar, una noche divertida.
Por favor de mirar el paquete de carnavla que vendra a casa esta semana.

Esta semana vamos a repasar los sonidos de la X y la Z.
Nuestras palabras mas frecuentes son look y with. En matematicas vamos a continuar resolviendo problemas.

Monday, February 20, 2017

24th Week of School

This week we celebrate the 100th day of school!  It has been a crazy winter and we are looking forward to getting back into a routine.

This week we will be learning the sounds of the letters U and X.  Our new sight words are up and all. In math we will be solving word problems up to 8.

24 Semana Escolar 

Esta semana vamos a celebrar 100 dias de escuela! Ha sido un invierno muy loco y estamos contentas de poder seguir las rutinas que teniamos antes.

Esta semana estaremos aprendiendo las letras U y X. Nuestra palabra mas frecuente son up y all.
En matematicas vamos a resolver problemas hasta el 8.