Sunday, January 29, 2017

21st Week of School

After so many snow days this winter, we are looking forward to having a full week of school this week!

This week we will be learning the sound of the letter G and reviewing the sounds of R, B, C, O.  Our new sight words are did and girl.  In math we will begin composing and decomposing numbers from 0-5.

21 Semana Escolar
Despues de tantos dias de nieve este invierno, Estamos emocionados de tener una semana escolar regular, esta semana!

Esta semana estaremos aprendiendo el sonido de letra G y repasando los sonidos de las letras R, B, C y O. Las palabras mas frecuentes seran did y girl. En matematicas vamos a separar los numeros y a buscar diferentes combinaciones de el 0-5.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

19th Week of School

Please be aware that next Friday, January 27th will be an early release day.  This means that there will only be AM Kindergarten that day.  There will be NO KinderKamp, PM Kindergarten or ESL kindergarten on that day.

This week we will be learning the sounds of the letters O and R.  Our new sight words are his and him.  In math we will continue counting and comparing objects, making more and less.

19 Semana Escolar
Por favor de recordar que el dia Viernes 27 de Enero los ninos salen temprano. Esto significa que solo habra clases de la Manana. No habra clases para KinderKamp, Kinder de la tarde o ESL con la senora Garcia ese dia.

Esta semana estaremos aprendiendo las letras O y R. Nuestras palabras mas frecuentes son his y him. En matematicas vamos a continuar comparando objetos y agregar uno mas y quitar uno.

Monday, January 2, 2017

18th Week of School

Welcome back!  We hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas break!  Parent Teacher Conferences will be next week, January 12th, from 8:00-7:00.  Watch for sign-ups coming home with your child. Please fill out and return to your teacher as soon as possible to guarantee your preferred time.

This week we will learn the sounds of the letters B and C.  Our new sight words are me and his.  In math we will be comparing objects, focusing on more and less.

Semana Escolar 18

Bienvenidos a la escuela! Esperamos que todos haigan tenido unas muy buenas vacaciones de Navidad! Las conferencias seran el dia Jueves 12 de Enero, de las 8:00 a.m.-7:00 p.m. Por favor de mandar la hoja de regreso que mandamos con su hijo/hija para el tiempo que usted quiere hablar con nosotros.

Esta semana estaremos aprendiendo las letras B y C. Nuestra palabra mas freceuntes son me y his. En matematicas vamos a conparar objetos, y tambien repasar de tener mas o tener menos.