Sunday, April 23, 2017

32nd Week of School

This week we will continue to review the sounds of Long A and I.  We will also be learning the sound of the Long O.  Our new sight words will be out and do.  In math we will begin counting in groups of ten up to one hundred. Our music program will be on Thursday April 27th at 6:30 p.m. remember to be in your teachers class by 6:15 p.m.

32 Semana Escolar

Esta semana continuaremos aprendiendo los sonidos de la A y la I larga. Tambien vamos a aprender el sonido de la O larga. Nuestras palabras mas frecuentes son out y do. En matematicas vamos a aprender a contar de el 10 al 100. Nuestro programa musical sera el jueves 27 de Abril a las 6;30 p.m. por favor de estar en el salon de tu maestra a las 6:15 p.m.

Sunday, April 2, 2017

29th Week of School

Please join us Monday night at the Family Plug & Play from 6:00-7:30 at the school.  This will be a fun opportunity for your child to teach you how they learn with technology.

This week we will be reviewing the letters we have learned in this unit and introducing the sound of the long vowel A.  Our new sight words are that and down.  In math we will be working on addition and subtraction story problems.

29 Semana Escolar

Por favor de acompanarnosel Lunes en la noche para la actividad de familia de tecnologia. Esta sera una oportunidad de que su hijo/hija le ensene lo que ha aprendido.

Esta semana estaremos repasando el sonido de la letra A. Nuestra palabras mas freceuntes that y down. En matematicas vamos a trabajar en sumar numeros .